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Hope for Every Home

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"Hope for Every Home – Ireland focuses on using everyday ways to support people and churches to share the truth and love of Jesus with neighbours, friends, and communities".

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  • Everyone, Everywhere knowing Jesus

  • To ensure that every person on the island of Ireland would have a genuine opportunity to respond to the truth and love of Jesus

  • To inspire and empower the Church to take every opportunity to carry Christ to their world

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Who are we?

Hope for Every Home is honoured to be a ministry of Every Home for Christ. Every Home for Christ has a long legacy of extraordinary gospel coverage and impact, it was formed in 1946 and has grown to see ministries like ours planted in over 160 nations.

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The start of 2022 began the formation of our new and exciting ministry that would seek to serve Christian churches and organisations to reach the people in Ireland with the hope of Jesus.

Our ministry longs to see revival in Ireland and we believe that God has birthed this vision within us. We cannot be passive about sharing the gospel and we make it our promise to do all that we can to see Ireland won for Jesus.

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Our Partnership with Hope Together

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This is our greatest opportunity and our greatest challenge. But we hold tight to a promise:

In Matthew 24:14, Jesus says, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

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We love working with others and we are proud to be a ministry partner of Hope Together - "Hope Together Website".

“Hope Together wants everyone, everywhere to know Jesus. This has taken our work further afield, and we’re thrilled to see the growth of Hope for Every Home Ireland spring up from the roots of Hope Together. We work in partnership to see the Great Commission fulfilled”.

Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf - Executive Director HOPE Together

Meet the Team

  • LJ Watt

    Ministry Director for Hope for Every Home Ireland

  • Stefan Vujcik

    Director for Eurasia West for EHC

  • Rhoda Robinson

    Executive Assistant for Hope for Every Home Ireland

  • Jonny Watt

    Volunteer Finance Officer for Hope for Every Home Ireland

  • Christie Beattie

    Volunteer Communications Co-Ordinator for Hope for Every Home Ireland


Join the team

Support the work of Hope for Every Home by joining us:
There are various opportunities to volunteer with us in various capacities. If you are interested, please contact us: