Happy Christmas

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There, on the makeshift bed of straw in the most unlikely of places, Mary has drifted off to sleep, her body recovering from the ordeal of childbirth.

It was the cries of the baby that stirred her back to consciousness, and her heavy eyelids snapped open. The dawn was still a distant promise, but the baby's hunger would not wait. She inhaled the brisk night air as her mind cleared, and the rush of recent events flooded her thoughts. She sat up and found Him there;

Swathed in swaddling clothes, His tiny chest rose and fell with each breath. Though His cries grew more urgent, Mary breathed a sigh of relief. He was safe, more than safe—He was home. Jesus was here to stay.

For the first time since the very beginning, God wasn't just passing through; He was settling in. God took on human form, it wasn't a brief cameo for nostalgic Christmas scenes; He became a central character, reshaping the entire storyline.

Emmanuel - meaning "God with us" - was right there with us in the midst of everyday life. He experienced cloudy mornings and scorching afternoons. He learnt carpentry alongside His earthly father to support His family. He sat among peers in the synagogue as a boy, participating in the routines of an ordinary life.

Jesus saw the ups and downs of the people in His town, celebrating with them at weddings and mourning alongside them when they faced loss. God was with us — He immersed Himself in the ordinary, walked alongside humanity in all its fractured beauty, and suffered with us.

What is Advent: The arrival of a remarkable person, thing, or event.

Advent is a time to remember that beautiful moment when Jesus arrived and chose to dwell among us. He didn't merely visit; He stayed. Jesus was our neighbour and friend—the one who crafted our tables and sat beside us at the well. While we all painfully acknowledge that Jesus isn't physically here now, He can still inhabit our hearts through His Spirit, enabling us to maintain a close relationship with Him.

Perhaps as you read these words, you've never truly placed your trust in Jesus or maybe you've spent many Christmases in church but sensed your heart growing distant from the Lord. No matter where you've been, Advent beckons us to draw nearer to the fire, to contemplate the wonder and mystery that began in a humble manger and will culminate with God returning to make His home among us, forever.

Today, open the Bible for yourself. You can follow the link to receive our GIFT to you: the Gospel of Luke. In every word, Jesus' heart beats for us. His story is your story, and He invites you to come to Him today. Let Him be God with you.

If you would like to know more about following Jesus, follow the link below:

Finally, sleep!